One step back and two steps forward



For various reasons we will not be at Maker Faire this year in Rome.
But we make a virtue of necessity and we see this as an opportunity to make a quality leap!

As said in the title, this year we will not be in Rome because some things changed in the last period and we evaluated that at the moment for us it is more important to have financial certainties than investing in fairs and events that don't bring great results.
In past years we participated in many important, beautiful and fun exhibitions, but we have noticed that rarely there is a great return in terms of work.
So we believe it is appropriate to take some distance from the world of "makers" and to start to get serious. In fact, in recent times we have noticed more and more that this world is composed of many elements that only speak.

So, "poche ciacoe e lavorare"! (#TalkLessDoMore)

The important and serious works are not lacking and then we continue on that road.
At the moment our priorities are: first finishing university studies, then carrying on the good work that we are doing with SpringLab, also collaborating on the creation of the FabLab Vicenza and maybe we also have a few more projects to be defined.

This is our program of growth, what do you think about it?


At the moment we don't have an office,
we are often between Padua and Vicenza.
If you need to meet us, contact us
and we will organize it.

We usually reply quickly, if you don't
get any answer just resend the email
or try another method.

Attention: if you need to call us,
we suggest you to send us an email or an
SMS first because we aren't always available.
You can also use Whatsapp if you want.

You can find us on many social networks,
when we have free time we like to share
our works and experiences!