


A Valentine project developed for "Open Electronics"

We made this project for "Open Electronics" and for their italian magazine "Elettronica In".
It is a small 3D printed heart with a board inside, 32 LEDs and other electronic components are mounted on this board and when this object is shaken it start making light effects. Soon the kit will be available for the ones who want to make their own "HeartThrob". This is an open source project and you can find any info about that on this page of the Open Electronics blog: "Hack your Valentine with HeartThrob"; while if you want to see it in italian you need to buy the magazine. If you want to see videos and pics about this project, go to the gallery page or on this album on our facebook page.


At the moment we don't have an office,
we are often between Padua and Vicenza.
If you need to meet us, contact us
and we will organize it.

We usually reply quickly, if you don't
get any answer just resend the email
or try another method.

Attention: if you need to call us,
we suggest you to send us an email or an
SMS first because we aren't always available.
You can also use Whatsapp if you want.

You can find us on many social networks,
when we have free time we like to share
our works and experiences!